Freedom Fight Club
Support your Values. Support the freedom Fight. Restore American greatness!

Freedom Families United is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Tax ID: 87-4810325.
How We Fight:
- Getting CRT, & Gender ideologies out of our Schools!
- We are fighting the racially divisive and anti-American Rhetoric in our NM Schools & we’ll work our way across the State & Country! You better believe parents are waking up!!
- This is a bipartisan effort & our kids come first!
- Teachers & Parents helping us expose what’s in the schools!
- We will win this fight!!
- Gathering Patriots and making change IN PERSON!
- As we meet in person in our Communities we bolster courage & stand stronger!
- Family Values are front and center! Restore the HONOR code of Freedom and decency among us! United We Stand.
- We stand for LIFE! The unborn are citizens of this great Nation & they deserve to LIVE!