Casey & Myke Petersen are fighting for Truth against the logical fallacies of Critical Race Theorists, Gender/Sex ideologies & ALL the other bull Sh*# narratives of the day! They’re building a community of brave citizens to stand courageous against the cancel culture mob.
Casey was fired from a National Nuclear Research Laboratory for NOT complying with Covid mandated Stupidity in 2021 & he blew the whistle on the CRT cancer in the labs in 2020 (see the first video on this channel).

We focus on Family & Community in order to strengthen the fabric of society that is being torn apart! We must restore traditional American Values!
We must show the next generations the beauty and virtue of Marriage, Manhood & what it means to be a woman & mother. Join us! Lets fight together.
Also check out our just launched comedy political skits on our other channel Freedom Families United!

Have a special guest idea?
Send us their name, number & how they are fighting for freedom!